Antri premium maupun pertamax sama panjangnya, bahkan bisa sampai jalan. Temukan Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU) di dekat Anda, salah satunya yaitu SPBU Pertamina, diantaranya Pertamina Pasti Pas dan Pertamina Pasti Prima ada juga Pertamina COCO (Company Operation Company Owner) Merupakan SPBU Pertamina yang di miliki dan di kelola oleh pertamina itu sendiri. Pelayanannya memuaskan tetapi karena merupakan SPBU terdekat dengan kompleks UNDIP antrinya benar-benar luar biasa. sering di jadikan tempat berkumpul bagi para mahasiwa yang akan pergi bareng. Sometimes became meet point, large, also integrated with some atms Good gas station manage by undip with atm centre and toilet also has minimarket nearbg This gas station has large apron and the services is good

This place has ATM center with ample parking space. for those who want to take money it's provide Atm of some banks Strategic place to fill in bike and car fuels just before or after the activities in Undip. Located next to the iconic gate before entering the campus Boat Quay comprises of a stretch of conserved shop houses and is the epitome. My experince in this olace was very amazing,because eveey time when my friend's vehicle out of gas,i can fill the gas in here,because this gas station location us near my rent houseīig gas station with complete facilities and easy acces SPBU Pertamina is located in Boat Quay District, Singapore. It also provides an ATM center, musholah, parking lot, and clean toilets. The favorite fuel station at Tembalang, Semarang. 'Kami menghimbau bagi masyarakat yang hendak mudik dan berwisata agar mengisi tangki full di SPBU sebelum berangkat dan untuk mempermudah menemukan SPBU terdekat saat perjalanan, masyarakat dapat menggunakan aplikasi MyPertamina atau menghubungi layanan kontak Pertamina di nomor 135,' tutup Brasto.

Just stop running out of Pertalite please! Dispenser nya banyak, tapi pada jam sibuk antrian masih cukup panjangĮxcellent service especially from the gracious young women who pump gas here.